A simple inventory listing for products in your store.

The Filter Name searches products.

The selection lets you limit the listing to: stock level, not in stock or low stock products.

inventory screen

Inventory list columns explained

Sort the inventory list

Sort the inventory list by clicking the relevant column header. Multiple clicks will sort ascending vs descending priority.

Check box

Can be used to select single or multiple products, the effect depends on the function chosen.

Product Name

The name of the product.

Product SKU

The product SKU.

In Stock

The number of items showing as in stock for the product.


The number of items for which an order status has set to on order or reserved. This is configured in the order status record from the configuration menu. The highlight shows where stock is less than booked/ordered.

Cost price

Product cost price.

Stock value

Product cost price x In stock.


The single product weight.


Product published state. You can unpublish items from this screen.