Hints for how to add a logo for payment and shipment methods

You can add logos for your payment and shipment methods.
Adding logos to your payment or shipment methods is done in 2 steps:

  • Uploading the logo in the correct folder
  • Selecting the logo in the payment or shipment method

Uploading a logo for payment and shipment methods

The logos must be placed under the following folders:

  • images/stories/virtuemart/payment for the payment methods,
  • images/stories/virtuemart/shipment for the shipment methods,

The logos can be uploaded via the Joomla media manager:

In Joomla 3.x go in Content, and then choose Media Manager from the list.

You will see a list of images, and folders that are already in the Media manager.

  • Select the folder virtuemart, and then payment or shipment folder [1]
  • Go in the Upload files area, and click on Browse files
  • Select on your computer the logo
  • Press Start upload

The file will be transfered to the selected folder.

Selecting a logo for payment and shipment

  1. Go in VirtueMart administration
  2. Select the Shop menu
  3. Select the Shipment methods menu or Payment methods menu
  4. Select the payment or shipment method you want to add a logo
  5. Select the configuration tab
  6. In the logo parameter, all the images that are in the images/virtuemart/payment for a payment method or images/virtuemart/shipment for a shipment are listed. Select the one, you want to have displayed.

[1] .The subfolder 'stories' which was in the image path of earlier versions was removed, because it is not used anymore in newer Joomla versions. There still is a fallback in VirtueMart 3.2+ for updated shops. In case your logos are missing after updating from a very old version, simply copy the logos to the new location.