To begin setting up your store, select "Store | Edit Store" from the VirtueMart admin interface.
Figure 4.4. VirtueMart Administration: The Store Form
The Information from the Store Information Form is displayed in various Locations on the Shopping Site. This is your Store's primary Identity - essentially a special "Master" Vendor.
Store Information Form Fields
- Store Name
The name of the Store.
- Store Company Name
The name of your company.
The Store's Internet Address.
- Address 1
Address Line 1
- Address 2
Address Line 2
- City
The City where your Store is located.
- State/Province/Region
The State / Region where your Store is located.
- Country
The Country where your Store is located.
- Zip/Postal Code
The ZIP of your Store's location.
- Phone
Your Store's Phone Number
- Last, First & Middle Name
The Name of your Contact Person.
- Title
The title of the Contact Person.
- Phone 1 & 2
Your contact's Phone number.
- Fax
The Fax number for the Contact.
- Email Address
Primary store contact email address
- Full Image
Displays the currently configured store logo.
- Upload Image
Browse to your company logo. This will be uploaded when you click on the "Save" icon.
- Minimum Purchase Order Value
This is the amount which is the minimum Order Value for Checkout.
- Minimum Amount for Free Shipping
This is the amount, from which on Shipping is free.
- Currency
The Store's global / default Currency
- Currency symbol
This is the currency symbol which will be used when displaying prices.
- Decimals
Number of decimals.
- Decimal symbol
Can be somethin like . , or empty.
- Thousands separator
Same as decimal symbol.
- Positive format
Display Order / Style for positive numbers.
- Negative format
Display Order / Style for negative numbers.
- List of accepted currencies
This list defines all those currencies you accept when people are buying something in your store.
{typography icon type="info" boxstyle="float: none; margin: 5px;"}All currencies selected here can be used at checkout! If you don't want that, just select your country's currency (=default).{/typography}
- Description
This is your Store's Description which is shown on the page
. - Terms of Service
This is the complete text for your Terms of Service that is displayed to the customer.
Click on the "Save" icon. Now you're ready to begin adding Categories, Products and Manufacturers.