Virtuemart is localized and its Interface can be switched to various Languages. From the start, VirtueMart only comes with english language files.
To make your VirtueMart run in the language of your choice you need to follow these steps:
- Download & Install new Joomla! Language Files
To be able to use other languages, you must first find the right language File for Joomla!/Mambo.
Joomla! Language Files can be downloaded from the Joomla Extensions Directory: Translations for Joomla!. - Upload the VirtueMart Language Files
VirtueMart Language files are available in a separate "Language Pack". You can find the Language Pack for your version in the VirtueMart Downloads Directory. Please note that the language files of VM 1.0 and VM 1.1 are of a completely different structure and not compatible.
After you have extracted the Language Pack on your local hard drive, upload its contents to the directory
If you have no access or permission to upload the files via FTP, you can upload the whole Language Package (as one complete archive) to that directory using the eXtplorer. After that you can extract the file directly on the server./administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages
- Switch the global Language + Locale
For Joomla! 1.0/Mambo: go to the global Configuration Screen, switch to the Tab "Locale" and change the language option to the language of your choice.
For Joomla! 1.5: go to "Extensions" => "Languages", select the language of your choice and make it "default" by clicking that icon in the toolbar.
VirtueMart should now pick up the correct language from its own language folder.
{typography icon type="alert" boxstyle="float: none; margin: 5px;"}The Language Files for Joomla!/Mambo and VirtueMart should have the same file name (or a correct value for the tag "backwardLang" in the XML installer file of the language under Joomla! 1.5).{/typography}
This section doesn't cover information on how to set up a multi-language site with contents in more than one language.
This can be achieved by using 3rd Party Tools like