The installation has failed? Does your site run with PHP's Safe Mode?

You don't need to pull out your hair! You can still attempt the manual installation.

Manual Installation is a little bit harder than the automatic installation.

    1. Download the Manual Installation Package (this is just another Package Form of VirtueMart).
    2. Unpack the archive file VirtueMart_x.x_Manual-Installation-Package.tar.gz you have downloaded in Step 1 to a local directory using Winzip or Winrar.
      You should now see at least four directories. The directory structure in those directories is the same as in your Joomla! / Mambo site:
      /mambots (/plugins for Joomla! 1.5)
    3. Open up an FTP Connection to your site, navigate to the root directory of your Joomla!/Mambo site and upload the directories.

      {typography icon type="info" boxstyle="float: none; margin: 5px;"}The FileZilla FTP Client is a fabulous FTP client (Open Source!) and reports transfer errors, so you know if everything has been successfully uploaded or not.{/typography}

      You will probably have to confirm overwriting some existing files in these directories.

    4. Login in to the Backend (Administration) of your site (
    5. When having logged in, you see this URL in the address bar:


      In Joomla! 1.5 it's http://www.yoursite.tld/administrator/index.php

    6. Now just add "?option=com_virtuemart" after index2.php, so it looks like this in your browser's address bar:
      and hit Enter.

  1. You should now see the "Installation was successful..." Screen. There you can click on "GO TO THE SHOP >>" or "INSTALL SAMPLE DATA >>" (when you want to have some sample Products and Categories in your Shop). That's it for the first.
  2. To install the Modules and Mambots/Plugins for VirtueMart, follow the instructions of the Automatic Installation, Step 6 and Step 7. If this doesn't help you, because NO automatic installations are possible, you can manually upload the files (you have probably already done this in step 3).

    Modules and Mambots/Plugins require entries in the tables docs_mambots/docs_plugins and docs_modules before they can be used.

    You need to add these entries by uploading an SQL file (using phpMyAdmin) that contains all necessary queries:


    Use the file virtuemart.installation.addons.joomla15.sql when you're on Joomla! 1.5 and virtuemart.installation.addons.mambo.sql when you're on Mambo.

Now you should have installed VirtueMart correctly.