Coupon codes can be used by shoppers at checkout to reduce the cost of their cart.  You can control the overall aspects of coupons in the VirtueMart configuration settings.

The coupons avalaible to your store and shoppers are created and managed in this screen.

{tab Coupon Details}

coupons coupon edit screen


The code to be used in checkout for this coupon.


The coupon published state - if not published, the coupon is not available in the store.


The value of the coupon. This will be either a fixed amount showing  or percentage of the cart total depending on the next Percent Total setting.

Percent or Total

The discount type of the coupon. Coupons are either a fixed value or a percentage of the order total.

Coupon Type

Permanent or Gift - Gift is a one use only coupon, permamanent coupons work continually unless this coupon has an "expiry date" set below.

Minimum Order Total

The minimum cart total required before this coupon can be used.

0 = no minimum cart items total.

 If a limit is set and the customer tries to use the coupon and the cart value is not above this threshold - a message indicating this minimum spend will be shown.

Maximum Discount Threshold

Restrict the discount to this value of goods within the cart. The discount is not applied to the cart value above this amount. Only useful if a percentage coupon is used.

Example, if you specified 100.00 and the cart total is £140.00, the discount is only applied to the first 100.00 no discount is applied to the £40.

0 = apply discount to all cart items total.

Maximum Allowable Coupon Usage per User

Set a value to restrict number of times a permanent coupon can be used in your store.

Example - if you set 20 this coupon can only be used a total of 20 times in your store - If you also add shoppers and/or shoppergroups these help restrict the use of this coupon to an even finer degree.

0 = no limit for use.

Allowed Shoppers

Allow for all or restrict this coupon to the registered shoppers selected.

Exclude Shopper groups

Allow for all or exclude the selected shopper groups.

Allowed Products

Allow for all or select a range of products. The discount will be only be applied to these products in the cart.

Allowed categories

Allow for all or select a range of categories. The discount will be only be applied to products that are in the cart and are in these categories.

Coupon Start Date

The coupon is accepted from this date.

Coupon Expiry Date

The coupon is not accepted after this date.
