Is my virtuemart plugin overridable?
In VirtueMart we use the joomla template system to create the overrides of a plugin. This is very helpful if you want to adjust the output of the product view visible to your shoppers.
To check if your plugin is overridable, please check your installation. Search for your plugin in the path
for example
When the plugin has a second folder with the same name in it, then it is using the overridable pattern. For example
How to override
Copy the second folder to
You can see the group of your plugin, when you enter the extension list. Or it is just the uppermost folder the plugin is using. We use:
- vmcalculation
- vmcustom
- vmpayment
- vmshipment
- vmshopper
- vmuserfield
So the right path for the textinput plugin would be